Stormwater MS4 permit
Montgomery County is required to have a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit for urbanized areas to prevent the discharge of pollutants such as pet waste, trash, engine oil and fertilizers into waterways.
The Permit conditions strictly apply to the County's urbanized areas draining through County maintained stormwater conveyances and requires the County to develop a stormwater management program that demonstrates the County addresses the following minimum
control measures (MCMs):
Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts, and public involvement and participation (MCM 1 and 2)

These measures address the need to increase knowledge of the hazards of improper disposal or discharges to our watersheds, of steps that can be taken to reduce stormwater pollution, and to encourage public participation in events that reduce stormwater
pollutants. Find our library of printable materials and our annual reports detailing outreach and participation events on our resources page.
View the County's social media (Facebook, Twitter/X) for information on MS4 events.
If you've helped improve County watersheds by "Scooping the Poop," picking up trash, planting trees, pollinator, or native plant gardens, we want to hear about it. Log your activities in our MS4 Public Participation Survey.
The County would like to hear from residents with comments or suggestions on the MS4 Program Plan or other aspects of the program. Email View the
Public Comment Procedure.
Illicit discharge detection and elimination (MCM 3)
The County has an Illicit Discharge Ordinance and tracks illegal stormwater pollutants. This information is provided
in the MS4 Outfall Map, which also provides the latest inspection results. As part of Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE), the County encourages the public to report stormwater problems.
Related documents
Construction site stormwater runoff control (MCM 4)
The County's Stormwater Ordinance and the
Administrative Policies address
compliance with the requirements associated with the regulation of land disturbing activities. Complete documents and publications are found at Land Development.
Post-construction stormwater management in new and re-development (MCM 5)
The County was notified of approval as a VSMP Authority on June 25, 2014. The County maintains information on Public Stormwater Facilities
and Private Stormwater Facilities within the regulated urbanized area and is required to insure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of these facilities. Section 9 of the Administrative Manual and Postconstruction Inspection Guidance provide policies and procedures for these compliance activities.
Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations (MCM 6)
The County's Good Housekeeping Procedures and IDDE Field Guide provide staff with
policy and guidance to minimize or prevent pollution discharges from municipal operations. Training is scheduled in accordance with a Municipal Training Program to increase staff awareness of good housekeeping procedures.
State-approved 2024-2027 Nutrient Management Program. Documents
provide guidance for the proper application of nutrients to specific sites requiring these plans. The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) accepted these plans effective July 17, 2024. The Urban Nutrient Management Handbook guides the public and staff on how to properly apply nutrients to ensure plant health,
while minimizing the movement of phosphorous and nitrogen in the environment.
View the Resources page for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).