Field Operations

The Field Operations Division consists of Patrol Operations, County Ordinance Enforcement, K-9 units, warrants, and SWAT. It has the primary mission of delivering service to the citizens through response to calls for service and proactive initiatives. The Sheriff's
Office works regularly with the Christiansburg, Blacksburg, and Virginia Tech police departments and Virginia State Police.
Patrol Operations responds to calls for service from citizens and provides preventive patrol throughout the county. The patrol deputies
also provide feedback to the community through speed surveys on requested roadways. If you would like to request a deputy to conduct a speed survey on a particular road, please email Captain Diggs your
request, along with the road name.
County Ordinance Enforcement focuses on enforcing the County Code, including illegal dumping/disposal, property maintenance, and various zoning issues.
Warrants deputies are responsible for the service of all criminal warrants, capiases issued by the courts, juvenile arrest orders, and any other documents of arrest. Fugitives that are located in other states are extradited and returned to Montgomery County for court. In addition, our warrant deputies are dually sworn as Deputy US Marshals, enhancing the availability of resources to the office in high profile cases.
The Field Operations Division also provides SWAT response for high-risk situations and K-9 units for specialized narcotics and tracking functions.