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Volunteer Montgomery

Volunteer opportunities include assisting area non-profit organizations, visiting nursing homes, bake sales and specialized events throughout the year.

Volunteer time commitment is up to each individual and their availability. Volunteers must be willing to serve without compensation.  Minors (under 18 years of age) must have a parent/guardian accompany them on all Volunteer Montgomery activities. Parent/guardian must also complete a Volunteer Enrollment Application.


Office Closures

  • 02/17/2025, Monday- We will be closed February 17th in observance of President's Day.


Inclement Weather Policy: If Montgomery County Schools are closed, all scheduled activities will be cancelled and the Volunteer Montgomery office will be closed to volunteers. If schools are on a delayed schedule, regularly scheduled morning activities will be cancelled. For afternoon activities, a decision will be made by 12:00 noon, so volunteers should call the office to check on those activities. If you are signed up to help with a seasonal activity and schools are on a delayed schedule, please call 382-5775.

If Montgomery County Government offices close due to inclement weather, the Human Services Division/Volunteer Montgomery office is closed. Please call 540-394-2120 or visit for updates.


Upcoming Events

  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Feb 11, 2025 | VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement in Salem

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Contact the office for more details. Transportation is provided, please arrive no later than 12:30pm, the time we leave, at our office if you'd like to carpool with us! 

    Event starts at 1:30pm.

  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Feb 17, 2025 | English Meadows - Tea Party

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Contact the office for more details.

  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Feb 18, 2025 | Davis and McDaniel Veterans Care Center in Roanoke – Birthday Party

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Please arrive no later than 1:30pm, the time we leave, if you'd like to carpool with us! Event starts at 2:30pm. Contact the office for more details. 

  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Feb 19, 2025 | Kroontje Health Center – Party

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Contact the office for more details.

  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Feb 21, 2025 | Spring Oak Senior Living – Birthday Party

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Contact the office for more details.

  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Feb 26, 2025 | BINGO Night Fundraiser (SOLD OUT)!
    This BINGO Night at Iron Tree Brewery (2/26, 6p-9p) has SOLD OUT, but keep an eye open for our next one! Our BINGO Night tickets sell fast, so when you see our next one, be sure to get your tickets before they're gone!

    These BINGO Nights are a fundraiser for the Volunteer Montgomery programs, so we can continue to be able to give back and support our community! Tickets are $10 each and get you one BINGO card. Additional BINGO cards can be purchased for $5.

    In addition, we have gift card prizes each round and grand prizes! Tasty drinks are available from Iron Tree Brewery and delicious food from Cabo Fish Taco!

    *Our Iron Tree Brewery BINGO Nights are 21+ only!

    Other ways to support Volunteer Montgomery BINGO Nights:
    We are in need of $10 gift cards to use as prizes for this event.

  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Feb 27, 2025 | Commonwealth Senior Living – Party

    Volunteer Montgomery will provide transportation for volunteers participating in visits and activities. Contact the office for more details.


Monthly Supply Drive

February’s collection will be an extension of our January supply drive to support the mission of the Humane Society of Montgomery County (HSMC). Founded in 1971 the HSMC is, and always has been, a no kill shelter.

They operate solely from donations. They do not receive any local, state, or federal funding.

Donations are always needed and appreciated!

We are collecting the following cat/kitten items for the month of January:
  • Canned cat/kitten food
  • Adult dry cat food
  • Dry kitten chow
  • Cat litter
  • Bleach
  • Paper towels
  • Laundry detergent
  • Flea control for cats



  • Supplies for Seniors Completion! – Our 17th Annual Supplies for Seniors program has been completed, with 260 bags of supplies delivered to local homebound seniors, identified by the Agency on Aging, Montgomery County Department of Social Services, and the Virginia Veteran and Family Support Program. Each bag contains approximately $50 worth of household supplies and hygiene products. Thank you to all of those who were involved in helping making this year's program a success!
  • 2025 Advisory Council Members – We would like to welcome our newly appointed members to the Advisory Council. They consist of volunteers Bev Bridges, Sarah Carter, Cindy Minnick, Rozetta Reed-Steele, and community members Matthew Tolbert of Gardner’s Grill and Remon Yassa of Rena Corporation. They join Sherri Blevins, Jack Davis, Nola Elliott, Rosemary Jones, Amanda Terry of Montgomery County Parks and Recreation, Carol Trutt, and Linn Willingham of Commonwealth Senior Living to form the 2025 Council. The officers elected to serve this year are: Chairperson – Rosemary Jones, Vice-Chairperson – Carol Trutt, and Secretary – Rozetta Reed-Steele. The Volunteer Montgomery team and volunteers are grateful for this committed group. We look forward to all of the projects we will work on together through the Council.
  • 2024 Fundraising Committee Accomplishments!– Volunteer Montgomery would like to acknowledge Chairperson Sally Anna Stapleton, Deena Flinchum, Barbara Parrish, Susan Miller, Amanda Terry, Lynn Brammer, Carol Cornish, Diana Reed, and Cindy Minnick of last year’s Fundraising Committee. They set a goal to raise $8,000 and raised $21,871 through numerous fundraisers throughout 2024. This total exceeded their goal by $13,871! We can’t say thank you enough to this hard-working committee! Our team looks forward to working with the 2025 Fundraising Committee.
  • New Initiative: Mail a Card Monday! – “Mail a Card Monday”! Volunteer Montgomery has been inspired by Blacksburg Books to begin a new initiative in 2025! We encourage all of our volunteers to pick one Monday each month and mail a card to someone in need of a smile, whether it be someone you know, someone in a local nursing home, a veteran, a teacher, a first responder, a healthcare worker, etc. Let’s keep this going. Don’t forget to share a picture on social media and tag Volunteer Montgomery. Imagine the difference we can make in one year!
    • Advisory Council Committees – Did you know that you don’t have to be on the Advisory Council to join our Fundraising, Recognition, Marketing, Scholarship Review, and Nominating committees?  Job descriptions for each committee are available in the Volunteer Montgomery office.  Please call the office if you would like more information.


    Ongoing Supply Drives!

    • Puzzle Books for Veterans – The books will serve as bingo prizes during our bi-monthly visit to the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement.
    • Stamps for the Wounded – Please leave at least a quarter-inch margin of paper around used postage stamps you tear off envelopes or packages.
    • Operation Paperback – Gently-used paperback books, current magazines, and DVDs are accepted. We have a container for these items inside the volunteer office. 
    • Overseas Coupon Program – Manufacturer's Coupons (can be used for 6 months after expiration date).
    • Lions Club – Eyeglasses
    • Ronald McDonald House  Aluminum tabs
    • Flowers for Veterans   Bud vases for our annual Flowers for Veterans program
    • Birthday in a Box – We are currently in good shape with cake mix and cake icing.  Needed items include birthday candles (singles or numbers), toys and books for children of all ages ($10 and under), birthday bags, and tissue paper. We are currently in good shape with cake mix, cake icing, toys, and books for children. Suggestions for this age group include makeup kits, nail polish kits/remover, stylish water bottles, journals, soccer balls, footballs, books, hats. 




    It has been brought to our attention lately that many of you don’t report all of your volunteer hours because you don’t want to boast or brag about the service you provide.  Here at Volunteer Montgomery, our program thrives and EXISTS because of your service hours to our community!  Please remember that we are generously funded by the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors because of all of the reports we send about projects and hours that our volunteers provide each year.  If you have any questions about how to report your hours each month, please contact a member of our team at


    You can submit volunteer hours by mail, email or by visiting If you use this link, your volunteer time will be emailed to staff. 

    Please let us know if you would like a paper copy or a fillable form to save to your tablet or PC.

    Contact the county

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    Volunteer Montgomery

    210 S. Pepper St., Ste. D
    Christiansburg, VA 24073

    Phone: 540-382-5775
    Fax: 540-381-6856

    Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    email | directions

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