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The Montgomery County Department of Fire-EMS provides various types of emergency services to the County’s citizens and visitors. This includes provisions for emergency medical response, specialty rescue, emergency management, and hazardous material responses for the Town of Blacksburg, Town of Christiansburg, and rural Montgomery County.

The Fire-EMS Department has more than 40 EMS career staff supporting the valued and necessary hundreds of fire and EMS volunteers.

The department also assists Montgomery County’s 10 fire departments and EMS agencies. Currently, 3 departments utilize a combination of career and volunteer personnel:

Fire Departments

Blacksburg Fire Department540-961-1175407 Hubbard St., Blacksburg, VA
Christiansburg Fire Department540-382-4388100 E. Main St., Christiansburg, VA


Rescue Squad

Christiansburg Rescue Squad540-382-9518100 E. Main St., Christiansburg, VA

The remaining departments are entirely volunteer:

Fire Departments

Elliston Volunteer Fire Department540-268-10555001 Enterprise Dr., Elliston, VA
Long-Shop McCoy Volunteer Fire Department540-639-08365770 McCoy Rd., Blacksburg, VA
Riner Volunteer Fire Department540-382-68654171 Riner Rd., Riner, VA


Rescue Squads

Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad540-443-16301300 Progress St. NW, Blacksburg, VA
Long-Shop McCoy Volunteer Rescue Squad540-639-08365770 McCoy Rd., Blacksburg, VA
Riner Volunteer Rescue Squad540-381-60431610 Auburn School Dr., Riner, VA
Virginia Tech Rescue Squad540-231-6254Military Building, Barger St. (0245), Blacksburg, VA


In addition to responding to calls, volunteers must complete training, and attend drills and meetings.

Basic fire training requires a minimum of 107 hours, plus any additional training required to master fire equipment and drive vehicles. Basic rescuer training requires 142 hours, plus any additional hours required by the fire department.

Privacy Practices

Montgomery County Fire-EMS is required by law to maintain the privacy of certain confidential healthcare information, known as Protected Health Information (PHI). The Department will provide copies of patient’s records to the patient or their representative as allowed by law. Any person requesting a copy of records containing PHI will need to fill out our Authorization to Release Confidential Health Records Form and provide a government issued photo ID. If the requestor is not the patient, they will also need to provide proof of their relationship to the patient before records will be released. Records can be requested in person at the County Government Center or by emailing

Contact the county

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755 Roanoke St., Suite 2E
Christiansburg, VA 24073

Phone: 540-394-2146
Fax: 540-382-6943

Billing Questions: 1-800-849-5603

Staff Listing

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