
Stormwater pollution prevention

By following these tips, residents can help improve stormwater quality and prevent pollution.

  • Pick up pet waste to prevent it being picked up by runoff and ending up in streams and rivers. Dispose of this waste by flushing it down the toilet.
  • Recycle used oil, antifreeze, and other fluids properly. Clean up spills and fix leaks promptly and properly.
  • Dispose of old paint, solvents, and other hazardous wastes correctly, such as an annual household hazardous waste collection event.
  • Dispose of trash properly, including cigarette butts.
  • Create a compost pile to dispose of yard waste. Composted leaves and grass clippings create free organic fertilizer.
  • Minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides by testing your soil and planting pest and disease resistant plants. Always follow all the directions on the label.
  • Seed bare spots to reduce erosion and research ground cover options to reduce the size of your lawn.
  • Install rain barrels and adjust sprinklers away from paved areas.
  • If you wash your vehicle at a commercial carwash, choose one where water is either recycled or sent to the sanitary sewer system where it is treated properly.
  • If you wash your vehicle yourself, do this in the grass which allow the grass and other vegetation to filter the water partially, and then allows biological process occur which further filters and cleans the water, before it recharges aquifers.
  • Sweep driveways, patios and sidewalks clean instead of hosing them down.

Download a copy of the Wonderful Water brochure.