
07/14/2022 SUP-2022-00589: 9DG, LLC - 2500 Tyler Road

07/14/2022 SUP-2022-00589: 9DG, LLC -2500 Tyler Road
Owner: 9DG, LLC
Applicant: 9DG, LLC (Foresight Design Services)
 Site Location Parcel ID: 016517

A request by 9DG, LLC (Agent: Foresight Design Services) for a Special Use Permit to allow a travel center, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, on 2.6 acres currently zoned General Business (GB). The property is located at 2500 Tyler Road, east of the intersection of Mud Pike Road (State Route 600) and Tyler Road (US Route 177), Christiansburg. The property is further identified as Tax Map 104-A 36 (Parcel ID: 016517), in the Riner Magisterial District. The property lies in an area designated as an Urban Development Area in the 2025 Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan.

Full Application  SUP-2022-00589 Application 07.07.22
SUP-2022-00589 Application-Revised 10.28.22
Public hearing Planning Commission (7:00 p.m.)
1st hearing: 09/21/22
2nd hearing: 11/09/22

Board of Supervisors (7:15 p.m.)
final hearing: 11/28/22